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Blog / Q&A With Lifestyle Influencer Asheria Anderson
Q and A, a day in a life with vlogger, Asheria Anderson. Image banner shows Asheria wearing the Essential Device.
5 Min to Read
Jul 17, 2021
Hair Care Tips
Hair Growth Devices
Hair Loss Conditions and Treatments

Q&A With Lifestyle Influencer Asheria Anderson

Image showing Asheria wearing the Essential helmet device.

Instagram: @iamsheunleashed

Asheria is a mother, a health & lifestyle influencer, and newly engaged! (CONGRATULATIONS) Asheria joined our iRESTORE family in 2020, in that the same year she was diagnosed with an autoimmune skin disorder. Asheria positivity and her healthy lifestyle inspire us constantly; nonetheless, we’re excited to share with you a special Q&A where she drops a few gems that you can pick up for your hair journey.

Let’s get started

Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

A:  My name is Asheria Anderson. My hobbies consist of many activities such as home decor, makeup, and hair! One fun fact about myself I have a Lebanese heritage.

Q. What’s one of your favorite thing about iRESTORE, and when did you begin losing your hair?

A:  My favorite thing about iRESTORE is that it offers the convenience of doing it in the comfort of my home. Also, the entire system takes the guesswork out of what I need to improve my hair growth. I started to lose my hair in May 2020 to an autoimmune illness that took months to be diagnosed, known as Scalp Psoriasis. At first, dermatologists believed I had some form of Alopecia. After a scalp biopsy and lab work, it was determined that I had Psoriasis. I experienced brittle-dry hair with missing patches of hair in sporadic areas.

Q. Where do you live, and does it affect your hair?

A: I live in Phoenix, Arizona. The dry humidity and heat can definitely play a part in the effects of my hair.

Q. When did you start noticing your hair growth?

A: I noticed little short hair sprouting in completely bald areas. I started to notice hair growth around my three-month journey of using the iRESTORE hair growth system.

Before and After Image of Asheria Anderson. Before image showing her hair with multiple bald spots and thinning hair. After photo showcasing a more thicker hair and the bald spots started to fill in.

Q. How do you want to improve yourself and your hair growth in 2021? Did you have a support team while going through your hair growth journey?

A: I focused on eating better when I started losing my hair, and I want to continue improving my nutrition. I would love to continue taking iRESTORE’s supplements for prevention and using the shampoo and conditioner because it smells so good and leaves my hair feeling soft and manageable. My support system was my IG community. Sharing the journey with them and finding others with similar conditions has been a great support.

Q. How did you feel about your hair before using iRESTORE?

A: I felt a bit hopeless. I felt like no one understood what I was going through.

Q. What’s your daily routine? From morning to night, can you walk us through the day?

A: Every morning, I start with brushing my teeth, a facial routine, and applying my growth activator serum. Then I start a cup of non-caffeinated tea and get cozy with a self-development or business book. After that, I do a workout for 30 minutes. Next, I make breakfast, take my supplements, and shower to get ready for my day. Then, I go into my home office, create content for the day, answer emails, and finish any projects. In the evening, I start preparing dinner for my family and clean up while using my iRESTORE LED & Laser Therapy helmet. I like to kill two birds with one stone, tehe! I end my day with a nice soak in the bath and cuddle up to another book before I doze off.

Q. Can you name some activities you do while using your iRESTORE device?

A:  I like to read, wash dishes, cook, and watch television while using iRESTORE.

Q. Do you think the condition of your hair has changed since you started using iRESTORE?

A: Before using iRESTORE, my hair was very brittle and lifeless. Now my hair is fuller and has a shine to it!

Q. A lot of people think that hair growth should happen quickly. Do you have some tips for those people who are considering beginning their hair growth journey?

 A: Growing hair definitely takes time. I always tell myself, “Rome wasn’t built overnight, girl!” You have to think of it as an exercise for the first time in a long time. You have to build a routine, be consistent, and allow your body to repair itself and be receptive to the treatment. It takes time, but it’s worth it. It’s going to help you build more healthy habits along the way.

Keep UP

To keep up with Asheria, you can follow her on social media:

Will it work for you? Image banner showing the Elite device together with the REVIVE Max Growth Kit.
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Image banner of a man wearing the Elite device and a woman wearing the Professional device sitting on a couch. Image banner of a man wearing the Elite device and a woman wearing the Professional device sitting on a couch. Image banner of a man wearing the Elite device and a woman wearing the Professional device sitting on a couch. Image banner of a man wearing the Elite device and a woman wearing the Professional device sitting on a couch.