Confidence Starts Here

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Finasteride vs. Minoxidil: Are These Hair Loss Products Right For You?
Finasteride and minoxidil are the two most common hair loss treatments. Although they both work to achieve the same goal, they work in completely different ways. Let’s break minoxidil vs finasteride down and how iRESTORE can compare.
Read MoreQ&A With Filmmaker Mark Obradovich
Mark is a husband, father, and filmmaker. Mark joined our iRESTORE family back in 2019. He began experiencing hair loss in his early-to-mid 30’s and he’s been thriving ever since! We are excited to share with you a special Q&A where he drops a few gems that you can pick up for your hair journey. Let’s get started Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself? A: My name is Mark Obradovich. My hobbies consist of many activities. I live a VERY busy life. As I essentially have THREE jobs in addition to being a married father of two children, and Board President of my community association. I’m also a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy Reserves and a filmmaker/video editor of my own videography company. Capturing the beauty of life and telling stories through video is definitely a hobby of mine and is what inspired me to start my own videography company in 2018. Outside of filmmaking, I love traveling with my wife and family taking them on exciting new adventures. A fun fact about myself I came in 1stPlace in a Draft Kings $3 Million Super Bowl contest. Q. What’s one of your favorite thing about iRESTORE, and when did you begin losing your hair? A: My favorite thing about iRESTORE is that it’s non-invasive and easy to make part of a regular routine. I’m 38 and still have A LOT of hair. I started to notice some hair recession around my early-mid 30s when I would be driving and catch myself often staring at my hairline through the rear-view mirror noticing recession along the peaks/sides. For most of my life, my hairstyle has been pretty consistent: very short on the sides, and something to play with on top where I’d style my hair forward and then up in the front. However, during this time of noticing my receding hairline in the rearview mirror, I also noticed my hair wasn’t falling into place as it used to when I try to style it. This was happening because there was less hair on the sides so when I style the front of my hair up, it wouldn’t fall as it did in my earlier years. CRISIS! I spent hours, if not days, researching online for possible solutions. I didn’t want to use a gimmick, but I also didn’t want to risk going through surgery where results are not guaranteed let alone VERY EXPENSIVE! After thorough research, I determined that iRESTORE was the best option for me. Q.Where do you live, and does it affect your hair? A: I live in Arlington, Virginia where we get the normal four seasons in a given year. This hasn’t affected my hair, although I tend to wear beanies often during the winter. Not sure if that myth about wearing hats will result in hair loss is true or not!? Q. When did you start noticing your hair growth? A: I first started using iRESTORE in 2019, but I was inconsistent with it. Because of COVID where I like many others was spending a lot of time at home, I took this unfortunate global event to find ways to self-improve – physically, mentally, and spiritually. For physical, in addition to working out regularly, I decided to give iRESTORE an honest effort to include taking their supplements. I knew it would be like working out where results won’t show after a single time, or even doing it multiple times here and there, but rather being very consistent with it using it for 25 minutes every other day. It was around the 5th month when I started to notice my hair in the areas of recessions becoming a bit stronger and full. Where I used to shed like crazy, my hair appeared to be stronger where I wouldn’t see much hair fall out after drying myself after a shower. Q. How did you feel about your hair before using iRESTORE? A: I’ve been very lucky to have really great hair. Even though I’m constantly seeking to improve my situation, I’m aware that my situation is far different than many others. However, even just the slight recession would result in some self-conscious issues in addition to the hazard of staring at my hairline in the rearview mirror while driving! DON’T DO THAT! As I mentioned earlier, it was a concern enough for me where I even consulted a surgeon for possible hair implants. My friends and family thought I was crazy! Nonetheless, the point is I can understand others that share similar, if not worse, experiences in not being confident with my appearance and how that can affect my daily life. Q. How do you want to improve yourself and your hair growth in 2021? Did you have a support team while going through your hair growth journey? A: For 2021, I want to continue to build upon the momentum that I started in 2020. Several years ago Admiral William McRaven (retired), former Navy SEAL and Commander of United States Special Operations Command gave a graduation speech at the University of Texas giving the new graduates 10 lessons he learned from basic SEAL training. The first one he made was to make your bed every day where this simple task can give someone the sense of accomplishment and momentum to accomplish more tasks highlighting that the little things in life matter. That’s how I feel about iRESTORE right now in 2021. In 2020, I was committed to regularly using iRESTORE. In a way, this was “making my bed” where I started every other morning using iRESTORE which helped reinforce my dedication to living a healthy active life committed to seeing results. Each day I sought out to feel better than I did the day before. In 2021, I want to continue this journey committed to doing things that make me look and feel better to include continued use of iRESTORE and optimistic that additional growth will continue or if nothing else – hold steady the hair that I do have! Q. What’s your daily routine? From morning to night, can you walk us through the day? A: I start my day by waking up around 4:30 am after getting around 8 hours of sleep where I’m in bed no later than 9 PM. I then drink a full glass of water while taking my daily supplements which includes iRESTORE's daily supplements (I LOVE the gummies! Makes me feel like a kid where I get so excited to have it!). I make a cup of coffee and watch some news or YouTube while doing a 25-minute iRESTORE session. Once the session is up, I head to the gym for my morning workout. When I get back home I make a healthy breakfast which typically consists of overnight oats or an omelette and then take a shower where I use iRESTORE's shampoo and conditioner. My wife absolutely LOVES the smell of these products! I do too! After showering, I’ll then use a light pomade to style my hair. At night I’ll take another shower using iRESTORE's shampoo and conditioner, and after drying my hair I’ll then apply iRESTORE's Growth Avctivator Serum to the peaks along my hairline before going to bed. Q. Can you name some activities you do while using your iRESTORE device? A: 99% of the time I use iRESTORE as part of my early morning routine which consists of waking up around 4:30 am, drinking a glass of water and my daily vitamins (that includes the iRESTORE daily supplements) while having my Nespresso watching the news or catching up on late-night show highlights on YouTube. What’s great is the 25-minute timer is a good reminder to stop watching TV where I then go to the gym for my morning workout. Other activities include playing video games Q. Do you think the condition of your hair has changed since you started using iRESTORE? A: Although I don’t think I noticed new hair in areas that had completely receded, I did notice increase density along my peaks that were steadily thinning. The hair where density increased appears to be stronger and I have noticed significantly less hair falling out from regular activities such as wearing a hat and taking a shower. Q. A lot of people think that hair growth should happen quickly. Do you have some tips for those people who are considering beginning their hair growth journey? A: Think of a hair growth journey like working out or checking your 401k. If you’re looking to see results between days, you’re going to become disappointed and that will affect your motivation to stick with it. However, if you can adjust your mindset to long-term growth and almost picture the amount of pride you will have after being committed for 6-12 months, that should help! The greatest and most fulfilling moments of accomplishments are those that you were committed as half the reward is the pride one feels knowing what it took to reach your goal. Another tip is to document the journey and have fun with it! Take photos and videos so that you can put together a fun video journey at the end. and Have fun making fun of yourself using it in front of your friends and your spouse! The more you can keep your spirits up, the more you will stay committed! Mark’s tips Think long-term. Thinking day-to-day will affect your daily motivation which is critical to staying committed where it’s very easy to make excuses and “miss” a day. Missing one day leads to easily missing more. Be diligent and take pride in the process. Document the journey! Take photos and videos where you get excited about one day putting together a journey film that shows the progress. As a filmmaker, I promise you this will be even more satisfying and you’ll want to improve and document other aspects of your life and/or others! Have fun! Make nerdy jokes when you wear it when your friends or family are around. Keep it light and it’s easy to make it a regular part of your routine regardless of who is around! To keep up with Mark you can follow him on social Instagram: @maofilmscinematic Videography Website: Facebook: Mark Obradovich
Read More5 Most Common Hair Loss Triggers (And How To Prevent It Now)
By now, you know that our goal at iRESTORE is to help you with your hair growth journey. And through our products, we strive to be your go-to for your hair growth needs. However, it’s equally as important for you to know some things that can cause you to lose your hair. It’s normal to lose strands of hair daily. But if you’re noticing any sudden, major changes with your hair loss, there could be some deeper issues that you may want to address to prevent further damage. There are many reasons why you might be seeing sudden hair loss, but we’re going to focus on some of the most common causes. Certain causes of hair loss are uncontrollable, and some can be handled personally, while others may require you to seek professional assistance. 1. Stress We’ve unfortunately all been here! Life sometimes gets the best of us and we have to maneuver through tough times. And although we don’t intend for it to happen, it’s important to understand the effects stress can have on our hair. Stress can cause inflammation, which can lead to hair loss, and traumatic events like an accident, illness or emotional shock can jumpstart the issue. According to Mayo Clinic, there are three types of hair loss that can be related to high-stress levels: telogen effluvium, trichotillomania, and alopecia areata. Telogen effluvium occurs when stress pushes large amounts of hair follicles into a resting phase leading to potential, sudden hair loss within a few months. Trichotillomania is an urge to pull out hair from your scalp or other areas of your body. For many, hair pulling can be a method used to deal with stress, loneliness, boredom, or frustration. Alopecia areata happens when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. The good news here is that stress and hair loss don’t have to be permanent if steps are taken to manage your stress. So, if you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or more than usual hair loss when combing or washing your hair, talk to your doctor to ensure you don’t have a medical condition that requires treatment. 2. Poor Nutrition I know your parents always told you to eat your greens! A lot can fall under the poor nutrition category like not eating enough, following a restrictive diet, and not getting enough hearty, healthy foods. Dramatically restricting your calorie intake means that you aren’t getting enough essential nutrients, like protein. If continued over a period of time, this can lead to the condition discussed above, telogen effluvium. The good news here is that adopting a healthier lifestyle can reverse this type of hair loss and your hair can grow back. At iRESTORE, we specialize in hair, but these suggestions are, of course, valid for your overall health. Be sure to eat a combination of vitamin-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and healthy whole grains. 3. Genetics Some people will see hair loss thanks to their parents, and their parents, and so on. Thanks, mom and dad! Heredity is one of the most common causes of hair loss and the gene can come from either the mother’s or father’s side, although you’re more likely to be affected if both parents had hair loss. Makes sense but it doesn’t seem fair! To be sure, a scalp biopsy can show if your hair follicles have been replaced with smaller follicles. If so, it’s a safe determinant of hereditary hair loss. 4. Prescription Drugs Although essential for many people, it’s pivotal to note that certain prescription drugs can potentially lead to hair loss. Just to name a few, some people have seen hair loss when using certain antidepressants and high blood pressure medicines. If you are starting to see sudden loss after taking prescribed medication, consult with your doctor, as there might be alternative medications that you can switch to. You can also add our delicious Biotin Vitamin Gummies to your daily healthy routine when taking other prescriptions. Made with natural ingredients, our vitamins are made to nourish your hair and help restore your hair to its former health. 5. Using Poor Quality Hair Care You want to hold on to your precious locks, so why not provide your hair with the best products? Certain hair products can contain low-grade oils and other ingredients that clog your hair follicles, causing strands to fall out. So, invest in some quality products like our Thickening Duo. Our duo revitalizes hair follicles and moisturizes dry scalp and repairs damaged hair. It is professionally formulated to infuse nutrients into every strand and repairs dry, brittle hair. And our iRESTORE Elite, Professional and Essential are clinically proven and FDA-cleared methods of low-level red light therapy used to combat hair loss and thinning. When it comes to poor-quality products, chemicals obviously fall right in line. While many of us love that extra splash of color, it isn’t always the best idea for everyone. Hair straighteners, relaxers, and other powerful treatments can quite literally burn your hair. So, the next time you are looking for a change, consult with your hairdresser on ways to get the look you’re going for while avoiding damaging treatments. Overall These five reasons are some of the most common causes for hair loss but PLEASE do some additional research if you think that you might be personally experiencing loss due to a different, specific reason, and be confident in knowing that there are often ways to get help.
Read More5 Ways To Style Thinning Hair For Men And Women
Join us as we provide both men and women with some alternative hairstyles to help boost your confidence and conceal your thinning hair.
Read MoreThe Secret To Why iRESTORE Is The Most Trusted Brand
We understand having suspicions trusting a new brand, but we’re here to provide you with honest information, including test studies, testimonials, and thousands of success stories. We've got you covered!
Read More25 Ways To Get Through Your 25 Minutes With iRESTORE
We've got you covered on 25 ways to get through your 25 minutes with your iRESTORE. Don't forget to bring a notebook and you won't want to miss this.
Read MoreQ&A With Blogger Serein Wu
Serein is a new mother, wife, and one of our favorite lifestyle bloggers. With every new vlog, her message remains the same...take care of yourself from the outside in, inside out. She started to experience hair loss at the young age of 32! We are excited to share with you a special Q&A where she drops a few gems that you can pick up for your hair journey. Let’s get started Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself? A: My name is Serein Wu Ledford, and my hobbies consist of working out, spending time with my husband and new baby daughter. I’m also really passionate about health and nutrition. A fun fact about myself is that I’m DEATHLY afraid of latex balloons. Q. What’s one of your favorite thing about iRESTORE, and when did you begin losing your hair? A: I love that iRESTORE helped me feel more confident in my hair. Especially after giving birth when women (including myself experience hair loss). I started losing my hair around 32 years old. Q. Where do you live, and does it affect your hair? A: I live in Los Angeles, and I actually believe things like the air quality and daily stress could affect my hair loss. Q. When did you start noticing your hair growth? A: So I was JUST talking to my husband about this. I noticed after a month of using iRESTORE, and I could see and feel a difference. I also noticed less hair falling off when I showered. Q. How did you feel about your hair before using iRESTORE? A: I used to always thinking about my hair. I would try to hide it in photos and with how I styled it. You can only imagine how my job made this even more of a “thing” for me. Q. How do you want to improve yourself and your hair growth in 2021? Did you have a support team while going through your hair growth journey? A: My goal has always been the same. I want to live clean and be as strong and healthy as possible. That goes for my hair as well. My husband is a personal trainer, so we are always active and trying to stay fit. I feel like working out helps me stay positive, and that DEFINITELY helps with my hair growth. Q. What’s your daily routine? From morning to night, can you walk us through the day? A: So the first thing I do every morning is wake up and have a giant glass of water. Then I like to snuggle in bed with my daughter while I drink my coffee. From there, I usually get up and do a workout with my husband for 45 minutes to an hour. Next, I shower and get ready for the day. After I’m dressed and ready to go downstairs, my husband typically has breakfast prepared for us, and we eat together. From there until about 5 pm I am working working working. I film content for my YouTube channels or write blog posts or answer emails. Whatever is on the schedule for the day. Around five is when I shut down for the day and go back to mom mode. My husband and I feed our daughter and do her bath time together, and then I dress her and get her ready for bed. I like to end my day with a 30-minute stretch routine and then have dinner with my husband before watching an hour of TV and heading off to bed. Q. Can you name some activities you do while using your iRESTORE device? A: I do all kinds of things! I like to watch tv or catch up on editing videos for my YouTube channel. It kind of just goes where I go. Q. Do you think the condition of your hair has changed since you started using iRESTORE? A: Yes. It feels MUCH more fuller. Take a look at Serein’s latest video on her favorite iRESTORE Products. Q. A lot of people think that hair growth should happen quickly. Do you have some tips for those people who are considering beginning their hair growth journey? A: NOTHING happens quickly. You have to be patient and also understand that everyone is different. My journey is different from yours, and yours is different from everyone else. Do everything you can to make your whole body as strong and healthy as you can, and everything else will fall into place. Serein’s Must-Haves You can learn more about Serein’s favorite products, such as our iRESTORE Professional as well as our Thickening Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Serum, and Biotin Vitamin Gummies.
Read MoreHow To Get Your Hair Back After Postpartum Hair loss
Let's dive into Postpartum Hair Loss. Check out the latest tips on approaching hair loss and how to reduce hair shedding with iRESTORE.
Read MoreRed Light Therapy: Everything You Need To Know
Learning about a new product can be quite scary especially when you don't necessarily know the facts behind the technology. Well not to worry we're here to help break down the technology behind our hair growth devices. Everything you need to know is right this way.
Read MoreYour Top 6 Questions About Hair Loss Answered By Dermatologist, Dr. Jenny Liu
Losing hair is the most frustrating and depressing thing to experience. Luckily, Dermatologists can help you determine what is causing your hair to thin and how to treat it. Dr. Jenny Liu is a Board-Certified Dermatologist who has the answers to the most common questions about hair loss and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).
Read MoreEnter To Win Our Best Selling Hair Growth System
Be one of the lucky winners to win our best-selling laser device, the iRESTORE Professional!
Read More6 Most Common Triggers Of Hair Loss (And How To Prevent It Now)
Many people experience hair loss, but most people don’t talk about it, or even know the reason why their hair is falling, thinning, or disappearing. It’s a hard struggle to think or talk about, and even harder to come to terms with. The good news is that you are not alone.
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